The state of Indiana is located in the Midwestern United States. It attracts thousands of tourists annually due to its breathtaking scenic views, phenomenal parks, and urban germs in Indianapolis. While traveling, adequate knowledge of a state’s laws and ordinances is paramount. While the state’s take on substances like Marijuana are well-known, Indiana’s laws regarding Kratom in Indiana are seldom talked about.

We are afraid that we might have some bad news. If you are traveling to Indiana, you might want to reconsider taking the herb with you. Kratom in Indiana is illegal for purchase, sale, consumption, or possession. Indiana is one of the six states that have banned Kratom. To understand the laws properly, we have discussed Indiana’s laws regarding the consumption and manufacture of the new and emerging herb, Kratom, in detail below.

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Is Kratom Legal In Indiana?

While the herb is legal within the United States, a few states have banned its use. The laws and regulations regarding the herb differ from each state to state. Similarly, the severity of the rules varies too.

While a few governmental bodies have banned the herb throughout the country, a few have banned Kratom in specific areas or are directing their efforts toward forbidding or regulating the substance. When we consider Kratom laws in Indiana, the herb is illegal throughout the entire state of Indiana, which includes major cities like Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and Bloomington. In 2014, the State Senate of Indiana introduced a bill called ‘Indiana Senate Bill 305’. When the bill was originally introduced, it incorrectly classified two of the herb’s alkaloids (hydroxy mitragynine and mitragynine) as synthetic substances. 

Due to this, the bill ultimately grouped Kratom with other prohibited and dangerous drugs like ecstasy and heroin. According to the statement, the herb was classified as a Schedule 1 controlled drug. However, the State Senate of Indiana did rectify their mistake and amended the bill in 2018. While the rectified statement barely did anything and merely changed the classification of the herb to a ‘Schedule 1 Hallucinogenic’ substance. While the Kratom Trade Associate has been consistently collecting funds to reverse the ban, their efforts have not been successful.

What Are The Laws Regarding Purchasing And Selling Of Kratom?

Many states have enforced age restrictions to limit minors from purchasing the plant. Other states have banned the consumption and production of the herb entirely. As of 2023, the herb is illegal in six states. Arkansas, Indiana, Alabama, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Washington DC and Vermont have banned the usage of the herb. The remaining states have prohibited herb consumption in particular areas or regulated the plant via a set of laws.

As established above, Indiana has imposed a strict ban on the herb’s production, consumption, and selling. While some people decide that purchasing Kratom in Indiana will not do any harm, you may want to rethink it. Indiana is one of six states that has declared Kratom as an utter criminal weapon.

Many begin to think that they could purchase the herb online. However, other than the substance being illegal, no reputable and renowned vendor would risk shipping the herb to a country where it is banned. The ultimate question is – what would one face if caught with Kratom?

An individual caught with the herb will face Class A Misdemeanour Charges for illegally possessing the plant. Additionally, the penalties with this charge include a five thousand dollar fine and up to twelve months in jail. However, this is the best-case scenario! 

Depending on the seriousness of the situation, the punishments one could face can get more severe. If one is caught with the herb anywhere near a minor or within school premises, they could face a level six felony. This penalty could lead to up to two and a half years in jail and a ten thousand dollar fine! Therefore, is it worth it before you decide to bring Kratom to Indiana?


To sum it up, Mitragyna Speciosa is banned in Indiana. Unfortunately, Indiana is not the only state that made this decision. Five other states have joined Indiana in this decision and have entirely banned the consumption and production of Kratom. If we consider the future, it seems like Indiana has no plans to un-ban the substance and change its legal status.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Purchase Kratom In Indiana?

Since the herb is banned in Indiana, purchasing and selling Kratom is prohibited in the state. Therefore, no local stores sell Kratom.

Can I Get Kratom Shipped To My House In Indiana?

If an individual is caught with Kratom, they can face severe consequences and up to two years in jail. Reputable online kratom vendors refrain from selling the substance to residents of Indiana as they could risk losing their business. The consumer may also have to face massive fines and a criminal record.

Will The Laws Regarding Kratom In Indiana Change?

As of 2023, it seems like Indiana’s local authorities have no plans to reverse the ban on Kratom. However, if scientific evidence about Kratom emerges in its favour, the state may consider unbanning the substance.

Can I Travel With Kratom To Indiana?

While the United States has no laws that permit traveling with Kratom, the land laws vary from state to state. Since Mitragyna Speciosa is banned in Indiana, travelers are prohibited from carrying the herb on a plane.

Can I Sell Kratom In Indiana?

You may want to stop if you live in Indiana and plan on selling Kratom. The manufacture and purchase of the herb are strictly prohibited in all of Indiana and can lead to legal trouble.

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